Sunday, March 25, 2012

Work Week Muffins

We enjoyed a semi-busy Sunday here this the morning I baked dog cookies for Jasper and Marley, Rebecca's big happy 8 year-old chocolate birthday labs, as well as the muffins I'm about to share.  We met friends at the Tin and Lint to surprise Suzanne for her 30th birthday, and topped off the day with some downstairs room renovation.  When we make more progress, I'll share  pictures, but right now it's just a mess with a lot of potential. 

I've been making these muffins for a while now...they're great to take to work for a quick breakfast or late morning snack. I especially like that I don't use a mixer to make them, and that they contain a tablespoon of finely ground coffee.  They're also pretty relaxed about the amount of bananas you can use.  I've used two, three and four bananas, depending on what's on the counter and getting smooshy.

Happy Sunday! 

Banana Nut Muffins Recipe

  • Prep time: 15 minutes
  • Cook time: 30 minutes


  • 3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed
  • 1/3 cup melted butter
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 Tbsp espresso or strong coffee (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 1/2 cup of flour
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts (toasted or raw)


No need for a mixer with this recipe.
1 Preheat the oven to 350°F. With a wooden spoon, mix butter into the mashed bananas in a large mixing bowl.
2 Mix in the sugar, egg, espresso and vanilla.
3 Sprinkle the baking soda and salt over the mixture and mix in.
4 Add the flour, mix until it is just incorporated. Fold in the chopped walnuts.
5 Pour mixture into a prepared muffin tin. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Check for doneness with a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin. If it comes out clean, it's done. Cool on a rack.
Yield: Makes 12 muffins

Courtesy of:

Saturday, March 24, 2012


  It's just before 11a.m. on a cloudy Saturday here in Saratoga.  Colin is out helping the neighbors clear out their apartment and begin a new life somewhere in North Carolina.  We weren't really close with these guys, but wish the best of luck to Holly, her baby daddy, Michael and baby Patience.  I can't say it's the nicest day we've ever had, especially after the warm streak of luck that we've been graced with.  The magnolia tree's pink blooms are starting to unfurl, and the lilac and viburnum bushes are both adorned with tiny green leaves.  I'd say all of the plants around here are about 3 weeks early in their development.  I can't say I haven't been a sucker either.  The 70's got me planting lettuce, peas, spinach and swiss chard two months before our last frost date. I've never taken this chance before, but all I really have to lose is a few dollars in seed packets and a few hours spent in the sun.  Anyway, now that it's back to typical March weather, I'm happy to spend my time inside with Fletch. 

Throughout my pregnancy I've been asked the same questions over and over, so I thought I'd address them here on the blog to help solidify my answers.

Do you have any cravings?
Men typically ask this question, and I think they're looking for bizarre answers or "massive amounts of fried chicken" as a response.  Sorry guys.  As the baby grows, I'm finding it harder and harder to eat "normal" meal sizes, and instead have started to trade out the three square for a constant graze.  We went to Maestro's last night, and I really couldn't finish my entree of rock shrimp carbonara, as delicious as it was.  Feeling full does not feel good.  As far as cravings go, I really didn't think I had any specific ones.  And then I realized that I had five bottles of various lemonades in the fridge and a 3lb bag of lemons sitting on my dining room table.  I can now answer this question with pregnancy craving is lemons.

How are you feeling?
I get this a lot...and mostly I feel fine...although sometimes I feel like I'm regressing back into "cry at nothing" phase.  Emotionally I feel unprepared and like I have a lot to learn in a short amount of time.  I am even more apt to tell people how I actually feel about them, which is nothing short of scary.  Physically, nothing's really bothering me.  My back hurts at the end of the day, but it's nothing drastic.  The most annoying part of pregnancy is feeling "fat".  I can't stand the feeling of extra weight on myself, and I can't understand how people go through life with obesity.  Especially in the warmer temperatures I frequently caught myself wishing I could take the fat suit off and lay it aside for a while.  Lying down helps remedy this.  I really hope I can go down to near my normal weight after the baby is just doesn't feel comfortable to have a belly. 

Do you know what you're going to name him?
We have narrowed our names to a short list, and I'm fairly confident that I know what the baby's name will be. Colin and I still have to make the final decision.  But there is no way in hell that anyone is going to know the name before the baby is born.  Sorry...but I think everyone knows enough already and would like to keep this part to ourselves for the sake of our sanity.  Which brings me to the next question...

Why do you call him Fletch?
Fletch is a book written by George McDonald about a witty journalist turned haphazard investigator.  You may remember the movie...Chevy Chase played Fletch.  We both read this book back in the fall and for whatever reason, the name stuck.  For those who haven't had the unique opportunity to experience pregnancy yet, I highly recommend giving your baby a nickname.  It helps people identify with the baby and it keeps them off your back about a "real" name.

How's the baby?
For those who have the pleasure (haha) of hanging out with me through this insane phase of my life, they already know that I'm getting pummeled. Most of the time it is entertaining.  Fletch tends to wake up a half hour before I do, so he's kind of functioning as my morning alarm these days.  His feet are directly aimed at my liver, and his hands are further down on the left side of my belly.  Swift kicks to the liver aren't that fun, and often lead to me exclaiming out loud during meetings and other quiet times.  (Doesn't this kid know I already beat my liver up enough in college?).  Fletch likes to move a lot during downtime.  Mornings, sitting, lying down and iced drinks will get him moving.  Driving, music, showers and walking tend to calm him down (I'm noticing a similarity between us here...).  I have yet to play the flashlight trick, although I read recently I can start annoying him with a well-placed beam.  Why I would want to induce another soccer match with my organs is beyond my comprehension at the moment. 

Are you going back to work after baby?
Yes.  Eventually.  I'm still putting this area of my life into place.

What does Doug think about all this?
We've been spending a lot of time together, but I haven't heard him voice his opinion on this matter yet.  Mostly it's been chicken poop, farts, spring smells and stealing.  The stuff of life.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Almost famous

A little oddly edited...but here's the link to the article I did recently for the Saratogian.

Come Out and Play: Time to experience spring in Saratoga

Published: Sunday, March 18, 2012


For The Saratogian

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

I'm thankful for...

Cloth diapering dads

Warm weather

Dogs with a sense of humor

Generous friends

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


We had it close to 70 degrees here in upstate today. Doug and I took advantage and soaked up some spring wind on our walk tonight. I kept catching glances of myself in storefront windows, thinking "man I'm huge". I kept ogling young women and their glasses of white wine. I kept walking. The weather has definitely got me thinking spring in terms of food, but March is also maple season up here. So I dressed up some salmon with a maple syrup glaze to go along with some wild rice and baked potatoes.

Here's the sauce:

1/4 c maple syrup
Diced clove of garlic
2 tablespoons soy sauce
(fresh ginger might be nice)

Pour it over salmon fillets, marinate for a half hour. Bake or grill for...meh... I don't know. 20 minutes? Depends on your fishes.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Fair trade

In exchange for a bag of cracked corn and daily chicken visitation rights, Colin and I got this lovely changing pad from our neighbor and her adorable one year old today. Petting zoos can be profitable!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


We're lucky here in Saratoga in that we can get fresh fish from Pura Vida fisheries (a third generation Norwegian fisherman and his 55' rig out of Hampton Bays, LI) at the Saturday Farmer's Market.  Here's a simple recipe I use often with the market clams (Just $7 a dozen right now!).  It would taste nice with a glass of white wine on one of this week's predicted warm spring nights.

Spaghetti with Clams



In a large pot, bring to a boil 6 quarts of salted water. Add pasta, stirring constantly in the beginning to prevent it from sticking together. Cook until al dente, about 8 minutes.
Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large saute pan. When almost smoking, add shallots and garlic and saute until soft and translucent, about 3 to 4 minutes, being careful not to burn the garlic. Add the clams and wine. Cover and simmer for 6 to 8 minutes or until most clams have opened.
Add 2 tablespoons chopped parsley. Whisk in butter to thicken sauce slightly.
Drain pasta in a colander. Do not rinse pasta with water - this will remove the pasta's natural starches. Place pasta into the clam saute pan and mix thoroughly. Check seasoning.
Pour pasta into large serving bowl. Zest lemon over the dish, being carefull not to zest the white part of the lemon, which is bitter. Garnish with remaining parsley. Serve immediately.

Courtesy of:

Weekend photo

Friday, March 9, 2012

Big dates

Opening day of trout season is April 1st.
Fletch is due June 27th.
Phish plays in Saratoga July 6th, 7th and 8th.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Compost and Candles

So I emptied the indoor compost today...remind me to take it out with the lid on, because now the whole house smells like month old garlic and oranges. 

I had to light a's a Yankee Christmas Cookie smelling candle...and it made me think.  Why don't we just make cookies? Why do we have these artificial scents?

As long as I am able, I'd like to make our house smell nice the old fashioned way.  The candles are great in a pinch,  but we all love these fragrances because they remind us of the holidays during our youth, right? There are some pretty nostalgic feelings tied to these smells...they are real association, with real cookies, real balsam fir, real clean white sheets...I can't remember all of the other smells these candles recreate...but there's spiced cider in there too, right? And cinnamon? 

Of course, on a Tuesday night when you've just slogged through chicken shit to dry heave while dumping compost, the last thing you want to do is bake a goddamn batch of cookies.  You win Yankee.

OK. Back to reading why I shouldn't have judged all those moms 4 years ago.