Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

Ron and Doug

Doug meets our mailman Ron at the front gate almost every day.  He (Doug) growls low with an "AAroooroooroo" sound and makes quite a show with his prancing before landing two paws on the gate and licking Ron's face.  When I watch them from the kitchen it feels as if I'm witnessing a special relationship that I'll never quite understand.   Doug is a fair-weather friend (the word literally fits here)...if it is wet or raining, he will not trot out to the fence...he just barks hello from the covered porch.  City dog.

Playing with Project365

This is an old picture from our Greek honeymoon in 2006.  We went to a nightclub this evening, but no one was dancing.  I made Skip dance with me before we walked back to our little hotel.  Just practicing posting to the blog for now.  I wish I could remember how to post with a phone.