Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sicky Poo Saturday

We enjoyed a lovely two day visit with the Corb grandparents, during which we ate dinner at Olde Bryan, attended the Victorian Streetwalk and drove out to Gardenworks in Salem. Neil met Santa and developed a big cough seemingly overnight. He's kind of miserable, as miserable as an insanely content baby can be. He spent most of today sleeping on Colin. His cough wakes him up when he's first going to sleep...and every hour during the night. As a first timer I'm obviously scrambling a little bit to find ways to soothe this poor guy and ensure we all get a few hours of sleep.

Colin has helped in a tremendous way, letting Neil nap on his chest all afternoon. But I figured it didn't hurt to ask the veterans. I am a member of the Facebook Group entitled Spa City Parents, and I'm probably the most frequent poster there. But I don't care. In the day and age where your mother is 300 miles away and your best friend lives on the other coast, it is sometimes difficult to find a tribe of mommas to give you advice about these types of things. I'm thankful for technology.

Anyway. Humidifiers. Vapor Baths. Aspirators, Tylenol, Massage and Hydration. All of these things have been suggested and are being contemplated this Saturday night. These and a marijuana documentary and a glass of wine.

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