Monday, November 26, 2012

Winter garden

I was blessed with a champion baby holder today, so I got to go out and finish a bunch of winter preparation chores that had been building up in my head. First, I attempted to string up some white lights along the chicken coop. After trying various props and chairs, I used my favorite tool, the hand cultivator, to get the lights up and over the ancient nails in our shed. The coop is now under the shed for the winter, and I find the lights give it a final seasonal touch. They help you find your way in the dark too. While I was doing this, Doug escaped through the back gate. A neighbor returned him to me. She found him "doing his business" on the street corner. As she left she said, "everyone knows Doug the dog!". I hope it's for better and not worse.

I also finally planted two pots of bearded irises and a peony that Anita had given us when Neil was born way back in June. I covered them all with leaves, but the chickens scratched them all off within 30 seconds. Whatever. I also planted a daisy? Bush? that Anita's father sent home with us yesterday. I hope the plants make it through the winter. It will be interesting to see what comes up in the spring...I'm sure I'll have forgotten what I planted by then. I heard some snow was in the forecast for Tuesday, but that it may stay south of here. I'd really like an inch or so (just deep enough to cover the chicken shit).

In other news, Neil began sitting unassisted last night...he's still a weeble though. And for the first time in four years I can see my neighbor's Christmas lights through the kitchen window! Perhaps the hood is finally getting a little more jolly?

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