Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Found items

I seem to remember my artist roommates working on projects where they made something out of nothing...out of "found items". A sculpture, a painting...My items are digital and paint a little story.

Today's walk gave me a bunch of random ideas and moments to play around with and think about as Neil napped. First we walked to the old Ice cream factory on Division St. They are in the process of tearing it down, but I was hoping the facade was still standing. And it was. I don't know much about the factory and when it ran, or what types of ice cream it produced. It was still running when I moved up here from Delmar in 2004. I used to use their old buckets for my trout stocking event. Townhouses will replace the old factory and some of its surrounding trees. I do hope they keep the one in the front.

As we continued on our way, I kept thinking about brewing. I thought about the Christmas beer waiting patiently in the basement to be packed up and distributed as a gift for friends and visitors. I thought about the milk stout we discussed over the weekend. I really couldn't get brewing out of my thoughts...and then I realized...the whole town smelled like wort! Sweet sweet wort! The new Druthers brewery was making a beer. You can see the two small stacks blowing out steam on the left of the second (? Maybe) picture below. I smiled and Doug peed, and I wondered if anyone else noticed the smell. I wondered if anyone else would know what it was. It kind of reminds me of a horse's breath on a cold morning after they've had their breakfast of grain...warm and honey flavored in a comforting way.

Neil kept napping so we walked along Broadway admiring the new Christmas decorations. Saratoga really loves Christmas. Each storefront and restaurant is decked out...including Maestro's, whose tree is pictured below. On our way back home, we were stopped by many people asking about Doug, his age, his breed, Neil's age, Neil's eyes... One woman in particular stood out. She was nearly a foot taller than me, well dressed, and told me about her son who is an offensive lineman for Northern Colorado. He also has blue eyes. She said when they wanted the linemen to bulk up they would feed each an entire pizza after the game. I told her it was very brave to be a mother of a football player. She called Neil her boyfriend and handed me a prayer, and said remember... He loves you...and pointed to the sky.

Approaching home, I stopped into Dehn's florist to let Neil look at the Christmas trees and take in the evergreen perfume. You want a sensational, instantly uplifting free seasonal adventure? Go to any greenhouse and walk around. Sensory overload whether it's spring or winter. As we left, I peeked into their recycling bins to see if they had any plants worth saving. I saw this rose, a little rough around the edges, but still pink and pretty. So I picked it up and brought it home and put it in a bud vase my mother gave me a while back.

It's my found item...today's something out of nothing.

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