Wednesday, April 18, 2012


First, peace and love to Levon Helm...this is the song that our porch band covers the can listen and read at the same time...

I'm amazed and relieved that Fletch and I have hit 30 weeks and the official 10 week countdown has begun!  How does time pass so quickly and so slowly all at once?  We had a lovely Easter weekend in New Jersey visiting with the family.  Doug loved seeing his friend Fiona, and we loved spending time and eating with loved ones, and celebrating Dad's birthday.  The woods were dry and sparse, but May Apples were showing up and lambs were playing in Docherty's fields.  

We spent the next weekend in Saratoga, crossing things off of lists.  I've been plugging away at the registry, researching item by item, and I cleaned out the truck so that I could show it to potential buyers without the embarassment of typical working truck remnants:  Doug's first collar, my sparkly prom bracelet, a staple gun, old pea seeds, a 50lb stump, three pairs of boots, some fleece and pliers.  Yeah.  We did take a trip to the Saratoga Independent School for a seminar on cloth diapers.  We got to pass around many many different types of covers and liners, and though it was a short class I definitely feel more comfortable with what's available now. 

Bonus: the teacher lady had a sleeve tattoo.  I confessed to Colin duing lunch at Mr. Ed's Ice Cream and Barbecue that I tend to trust "badass" looking people, the lady with homegrown patchwork shirts, yoga pants, tattoos and wild kids a lot more than the straight laced looking moms wearing khakis and preppy shirts.  Whatever. I judge. Anyway, the diaper lady was cool and I look forward to meeting with her and making the final decision in what we will purchase. We both like the idea of buying some covers and lots of prefolds and a few snappees for our final diaper regimen.  Look at me, I have a new lingo!  And this place makes a fine milkshake:

We spent the rest of the weekend working on the house...Colin is redoing the office as a dennish type room (the furthest room away from the baby's...).  It was damaged last winter before we had the roof redone.  The room will be navy blue (Behr rainstorm in case you're into that type of thing) with white ceiling and trim.  Since it's right off the kitchen it will be a nice spot for the baby to chill while dinner is being prepped or to spend 3a.m. in July watching the Olympics.  Thank god for the Olympics.

Monday showed us 90 degree weather.  Remind me not to be pregnant in July, August, September, or Texas.  I'm hoping June won't be that bad around here...because it is not a pretty sight:

We visited the doc today, and though they are pretty hard set on me gaining more weight, everything checked out ok.  Fletch is 2lbs 10 ounces.  He's still sitting in the same spot, head down, butt on my left belly, feet on my right belly. We saw him hiccup, but don't expect any more ultrasound pictures.  He ALWAYS has his hands in front of his face, and sometimes it makes him look like he has a hole in his head. Let's just not go there (she assured me he does not, in fact, have a hole in his head). He wakes up around 6:15a.m. now, and it's something I can count on.  He doesn't stop moving much.  Thirty weeks.  THIRTY WEEKS!  I cannot comprehend.

From here on out I will be doing a less creative version of the belly pictures, as per a suggestion of an old friend...just a side profile to watch the little bugger grow.

I guess I will go make some stuffed peppers for dinner.  But it's just. so. hard. to. leave. this. couch.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Alli. It's great to read what you've been up to. I just wanted to say bravo for taking the cloth diaper route. I love my cloth diapers and I'm sure you will, too. I can't wait to see you're beautiful belly in person!
